The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of the Pond at Old Forge. I chose this particular wintry image in honor of the first real snowfall in my area. The city I’m closest to, Syracuse is one of the snowiest cities in the 100 largest cities in the US.

Ellen Brennan Reiche, 27, and Samantha Frances Brooks, 23, were arrested on Saturday night after they were caught as they were placing a “shunt” on the railroad tracks. A shunt disrupts the low level electrical current on the tracks and can disable various safety features. From the DoJ press release:

“Since January there have been 41 incidents of shunts placed on the BNSF tracks in Whatcom and Skagit counties—causing crossing guards to malfunction, interfering with automatic breaking systems, and, in one case, causing the near-derailment of tanks of hazardous chemicals,” said U.S. Attorney Moran.  “These crimes endanger our community.  I commend the agents from Customs and Border Protection, FBI, BNSF Police, and state and local partners who prioritized stopping this criminal conduct.”

This would be news regardless, any act of domestic terrorism would. But there is more to the story. Reiche is or was, it’s not clear at this point, a deputy field director for the Washington state democrat party.

Some weirdness is happening in Iowa. The vote totals in the 2nd congressional district show that Republican Marianette Miller-Meeks defeated Democrat Rita Hart by just six votes. It’s the closest House race in the country since 1984 and the closest in Iowa in more than 100 years.

The loser, Rita Hart has decided to take her case to the House. There’s precedent, it happened last in 1984 in Indiana.

Because of course he does. Shifty Shift has come out publicly opposing the appointment of John Durham as a Special Council. Hypocrisy knows no bounds it seems, as Shiff clamored to protect the Meuller investigation even though he knew it was a sham.

Do you think the everyday residents of Minneapolis want to defund their Police? I don’t given the numbers on violent crime in that city. More than 500 People have been shot, the most in 15 years, Seventy-nine homicides the highest count since the mid-1990s, and a staggering 375 car jackings. That’s three times higher than all of last year.

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