The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Canaseraga Creek near Ossian NY. The creek wends its way through Livingston, Steuben, and Allegany counties in western and central New York before joining the Genesee River near Mt. Morris, south of Rochester. The creek’s name is of Seneca origin. Translations of the name include both “among the milkweeds” and “slippery elms“.

There is some presidential election news popping in Pennsylvania. The state Supreme Court there denied a motion to stay the ruling that the election can be certified. Before anyone gets their panties in a wad, this is a necessary step before SCOTUS can take up the case. If you want to read some quality analysis from someone who knows what he’s talking about check out this article from Shipwreckedcrew at RedState. Crew is a lawyer and former Assistant US Attorney, and one of the few internet ambulance chasers lawyers I turn to for legal analysis.

While we’re on the subject of election challenges, the Trump campaign has gotten the go-ahead to present testimony regarding ballot fraud in Nevada. While IANAL, I am not sanguine that there will be any changes to the Nevada tally as a result of this hearing.

File this under it shouldn’t have been happening in the first damned place. If you fly with an emotional support animal, best get in all your travel in the next 30 days. The Department of Transportation has finalized new rules about flying with support animals. To wit: emotional support animals are forbidden now. The new ban does not include specially trained service dogs. So, no more emotional support chickens or flying squirrels.

While my home state isn’t far behind, I do feel sorry for those stuck in the People’s Republic of Commifornia. Not only are your elected leaders some of the biggest WuFlu hypocrites, but you’re being locked down. Again. This time its attention whore LA mayor Eric Garcetti issuing a “stay at home order”. There is some good news out of that mess, a Judge in The City of Angels seems to think the ban on outdoor dining isn’t supported by science and sounds like he plans on striking down that part of the order.

And this just broke as I was finishing up today’s View. Governor Nuisance is issuing more orders. This time he’s breaking the state up into 5 regions, North, South (Including LA bad San Diego), Central Valley, Sacramento, and Bay Area, and once ICU capacity in a given region reaches 85%, an automatic 3 week lockdown will go into effect. So that means if a region goes into lockdown, it extends past Christmas at this point.

Speaking of naked hypocrisy, Alexandria Occasional Cortex is selling merch. The noted anti-capitalist bartender has a line of clothing and accessories now. Most of it is quite pricy, with a sweatshirt going for $65. What’s more, they’re made with nylon/polyester/poly blend fabrics. All of which are oil-based.

Tulsi Gabbard is one democrat I could get behind. Literally and figuratively. Wait, did I say that out loud? Anyway, she seems to be a bit more rational than most of the rest of the democratic party. Her latest thing that makes me hold her in high esteem is her backing of the President’s threat to veto the NDAA if it doesn’t include stripping the big social media companies of section 230 protections.

While I think holding up the Defense Authorization bill is the wrong hill to die on, I fully agree big tech needs to be reined in.

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