The View from Here

Today’s featured image takes a different tack than the usual, your editor got the first real snowfall of the year here last night. He woke up to a clear 3 inches of the dread white stuff and wishes he was somewhere else. It’s Seven Mile Beach on Grand Cayman Island. Your editor isn’t one to lay-about on a beach for the most part, but Seven Mile, and Grand Cayman for that matter, is one of my favorite spots to laze about.

Gaulieterin Whitmer of Michigan put out a super creepy video scaring the sh*t out of encouraging kids to mask up with Santa.

Frankly, we’re damaging children permanently with all the hysteria over the Chinese lung AIDS. The fear porn the MSM is peddling about it is damaging a goodly number of adults as well.

Pete Butt-edge-edge is being nominated as Transportation Secretary by the Biden camp. Notice I specifically said “Biden camp” and didn’t single out Joe himself. He’s not running the ship, and I’d bet the most difficult decision he makes in a given day is what flavor of pudding he wants. Now on to Buttigieg. Mayor Pete has zero experience in any transportation related fields. It gets worse, while mayor of South Bend, the city had a huge transportation infrastructure problem. The city couldn’t keep it’s roads, bridges and the like in good repair.

French President Emmanuel Macron has tested positive for the Chinese Coronavirus. Too bad for les crapauds, While I don’t agree with a fair amount of his policies, Macron is well aware of the threat of radical Islam. Since his positive test, dozens of European leaders have gone into isolation due to close contact with the French leader.

VP Mike Pence and his wife Karen are going to be getting the WuFlu vaccine publicly on Friday. The goal of the televised event is “to promote the safety and efficacy of the vaccine and build confidence among the American people.”

Il Duce Andy Cuomo told NYC restauranteurs to be “happy” he shut down indoor dining.

Let’s focus on what the real issues that we should be concerned about and where we are really. I’ve all sorts of people who are concerned, “Well, you went down to 25% indoor dining; you canceled indoor dining; you’re requesting more testing for people in salons, lower capacity in gyms.” Yes to all of them. That is not the real problem, that is not what you should worry about.

What you should worry about is shutdown because if we do not change the trajectory, we could very well be headed to shutdown and shutdown is something to worry about. That is really something to worry about because all these businesses close, we go back to where we were. All non-essential businesses close, they go to zero. So yes, we’re trying to change the trajectory, “Well, I’m upset that you’re trying to change the trajectory.”

You should be happy because if we don’t change the trajectory, we’re going to go to shut down and then your business is going to close. And that, my friends, is a real problem. Worry about that because that is a real worry.

Ok, but. . . The data says only about 1.5% of all new infections are coming from restaurants and bars. The wannabe tough guy touted those exact numbers just a couple of days before banning indoor dining in the city. It should be noted that indoor dining is still a thing in the rest of the state.

While we’re in NYC let’s take a look at the giant FU the Yetev Lev D’Satmar hasidim gave mayor deBlasio last week. The funeral of 94-year-old former chief Satmar judge Rabbi Yisroel Chaim Menashe Friedman was held on December 7th. The congregation told the Mayor to go ahead and try to shut the funeral down. Hizzonor backed down and nearly 5000 mourners showed up for the funeral.

If 2020 was a skatepark. . . .

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