The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of the Pond at Old Forge NY.

I hope you, dear Constant Reader, had an enjoyable, safe and comfortable Christmas. One more week of the silly season to go. We here at Milvets and Patriots are planning a New Year’s Eve post for Thursday night. I hope to see you all there, seeing as most of us are going to be stuck at home.

We start today’s View with a piece out of my home state of NY. The Worst Governor in America™, Andy Cuomo has issued new “guidance” about the distribution of the new Chinese Lung AIDS vaccine. According to the “Love Gov”, drug addicts are second in line to get vaccinated after health care workers. This puts them ahead of older folks and other high risk individuals. Frankly, while I understand addiction is a disease, I have very little sympathy for the vast majority of addicts. Certainly not enough to move them to the top of the list for those receiving the limited doses of the vaccine that are available.

While we’re on the subject of Vaccine distribution, let’s take a look at what’s happening in NYC and Chicago. In NooYawk, hizzonor the Mayor is denying the vaccine to the orthodox jewish neighborhoods. I haven’t personally dug into the data by zip code, so this may be a case of there not being a high enough infection rate. On the other hand, Bill deBlasio is a raging anti-semite, so I wouldn’t put it past him to be denying the vaccine on those grounds. In Chicago, only 22 people over age 80, out of a population of 40k+ have been vaccinated. Makes sense no? Don’t vaccinate those most at risk from this virus.

According to Gallup, President Trump is the most admired man in America. That ends a 12 run for Barry Soetoro.

The rest of the top ten looks like this: Obama, Joe Biden Dr Anthony Fauci, Pope Francis, Elon Musk, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, Bill Gates, LeBron James, and the Dalai Lama. So at least I got that going for me.

Robert Conquest was a British historian and political commentator. He came up with three political rules:

  1. Everyone is conservative about what he knows best.
  2. Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing.
  3. The simplest way to explain the behavior of any bureaucratic organization is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies.

Stu Crvk has a fantastic article about Conquest’s second law over at RedState. It’s worth a read.

Have you heard about the Mimi Groves saga? For those of you who haven’t, Mimi, a white girl, used the n-word when she was 15. It seems she was imitating a rapper, and the incident was caught on Snapchat. A high school classmate, Jimmy Galligan, waited 4 years and then posted the video to social media. This cost Mimi a scholarship position on the University of Tennessee cheer squad. It gets worse, the Douche canoes at the New York Times published a story about it. The Federalist has the best write-up about it I’ve seen, and if you want to know more you can read it here. From my perspective, Galligan comes across as the bad guy. I mean, why hold on to a video for 4 or 5 years and then publish it?

Pierre Cardin was the ultimate entrepreneurial designer. He understood the importance his exclusive haute couture shows played in stoking consumer desire and became an early pioneer of licensing. His name embossed thousands of products, from wristwatches to bed sheets. In the brand’s heyday, goods bearing his fancy cursive signature were sold at some 100,000 outlets worldwide. Pierre Cardin died today at age 98. Resquiscat In Pace.

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