Similar to his father, Justin Trudeau, the current Prime Minister of Canada has always been a socialist or communist sympathizer. So too, was his father Pierre Elliot Trudeau, the Prime Minister during the 1970’s & 80’s. Both are credited as profound economic failures and equally causing social unrest and division within the nation; which took years to heal from the former leader’s chaos.
Skippy however, is outperforming his father on all fronts, inclusive of colluding with what many would consider to be the enemy. And who exactly is the “enemy” – well, if you ask a Liberal, which is the Party that Skippy represents, that would be a Conservative or a multiple of terms used to describe a Conservative in Canada, would be a racist, Nazi, xenophobe etc.etc. While, if you ask a Conservative in Canada who the enemy is; you will hear a resounding China, more so a Communist. There is a disdain for communism that seems to run beyond deep, towards those dictatorship regimes, within those who consider themselves to be Conservatives. They view themselves as free thinkers, creative, entrepreneurs and a collection of individuals.
So what seems to be the problem? Keeping in mind that the majority of Canadians have been completely brainwashed by duplicating the US main stream media reporting, which is 92% negative towards President Trump, doesn’t report on the lecherous & leveraging existence of the Biden Crime Family and also ignores the involvement of many prominent Canadians relevant the sex cult, NXIVM, et alia. Plus, all the so called “important people” in Canada swear an allegiance to the Queen of England. And who would the important people be? lawyers, politicians, police, judges, Privy Council. I digress…
Anyway, Skippy decides to invite the Chinese Peoples Liberation Party (CCP) to militarily cross train with our own Canadian Military forces and intentionally fails to tell anyone. What for, you may ask? Good question and here are some of my suggested answers and my top favorite is because 1) Skippy is the stupidest b’turd on the planet OR 2) compromise Canada’s military 3) endanger the USA – our largest neighbor & trade partner 4) Skippy is self-serving, plans to be rewarded as a good Comrade by the World Economic Council and United Nations; who ultimately answer to the Rothschilds.
Attached is the 34 page document, which may or may not, have been accidentally released to the Rebel Media; as a result of a recent FOIA request(Freedom of Information Access).
Rebel Media’s, founder and editor, Ezra Levant also appeared on The Blaze with Glen Beck.

See Also: Dianne Feinstein’s Mental…