I heard something that got theNeuro-Net fired up before the coffee even boiled over on the stove
” we must not become who the left is”
His comment was about the violence this past summer & in D.C.
cleaning up the boil over
I thought of the Marines at Belleau Wood
I thought of the Marines on Okinawa a battle of Attrition
I thought of the Marines at Chosen Frozen
I thought of the Marines at Quang Tri in 72
I thought of the Marines in Kandahar
Have we become who we fought against?
Hell no we did not
barrow’ed words from long ago concerning Tripoli
“We brought to them the only language they understand”
we speak it well
For some odd reason
I was curious what Dan Crenshaw’s thoughts were concerning the violence
his full statement
“Therefore, we condemn the President for the words and actions which contributed to these events, and encourage every member of Congress to similarly condemn. While we do not venture to make legal judgement of the president’s intent regarding Wednesday’s demonstration, his actions were reckless. No President should ever, among other things, promote clearly unconstitutional theories that risk the stability of our nation and, in particular, do so to the detriment of the peaceful transition of power.”
As mother said when she went blind in one eye
” good thing God gave me a spare to keep an eye on you!”
ok Eagle eye
was my response 🙂
Reading this from the statement
“Let our legacy be that we rebuild our nation by moving forward together”.
I know some of his other words
Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) perhaps accidentally, that he supported red flag gun control since before he started his run for Congress, showing that he lied on the campaign trail about his firm support of the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution
Crenshaw has gone further than supporting GVROs. He publicly endorsed pre-crime legislation
The Threat Assessment, Prevention, and Safety (TAPS) Act
This what you mean Dan by coming together?
Nancy the Piglousy’s son Paul

biden’s son Hunter

People of Texas know better of Dan then I do
I will say
McCain came to mind while reading Dan’s words
I was looking for a statement from Dan
concerning Madonna blowing up the white house some 4 years ago
yes Dan
some of US are a little more nicked up then others
that’s no excuse to turn a perfectly working eyeball to EVIL
eh Dan!
what’s worse then covid-19?
biden -20
a Truism
One cannot legislate the EVIL
in the End
Good guys with guns will have to be let loose