Curse Your Sudden-But-Inevitable Betrayal!

It’s Day 4 of the Biden Not-Presidency – yes, I will not grant him the respect of the office he purports to hold – and what have we seen?

Nothing that surprises any Trump-supporters who were paying attention, of course, but plenty that surprises most people who voted for Biden.

Reimbursing San Fransisco for the money they’ve been spending to put homeless people in hotel rooms with federal taxpayer dollars.

Revoking the Keystone XL pipeline’s license.

Banning new fracking permits on federal land.

Providing federal taxpayer money to abortion clinics overseas.

A 100-day deportation ban.

Suspending 85% of criminal deportations.

And of course, the very first bill in the new Congressional term would – if passed – ban many security measures for mail-in voting, and criminalize ‘election disinformation’. The hyperlink here is to the text of H.R.1 on Congress’s website – go and read Subtitle D Section 1302. Specifically this part:

Notice how it says “no person” and not “no government official“?

Forget the part where this is a direct and obvious First Amendment violation, for those of you who don’t remember the 2008 election, the Citizens United case was literally about Hillary Clinton trying to use campaign financing laws to punish a group that made a video critical of her in the leadup to the ’08 Democratic Primary. This is Citizens United 2: Hillary’s Revenge. And let’s ignore how (A)(i) provides no working definition of “materially false” – and neither do any of the other 12 times this term appears in the document. And if your first reaction to my demands for a definition is “It’s obvious what ‘materially false’ means” – consider how various fact-checking organizations rate claims based on the politics of the person whose statement is being checked. If you think the Attorney General will be less transparently partisan about this – because the bill puts the AG in charge of this – than Snopes, you’re fooling yourself.

And this isn’t even the most egregious First Amendment violation in this section, much less the worst in the bill – it’s just the first one on the list. Then it gets into rewriting the FCC and FEC regulations on online communications and it becomes pretty goddamned obvious what they’re aiming for.

Some of you will take issue with my suggestion that some people voted for Biden without being Leftists who wanted all of these things. Well, consider that this article from CNN is still up.

A lot of people were lied to. Very, very blatantly lied to. And as of this moment, it’s not clear that Biden himself was lying – he may not have known what was in his platform.

As for me, frankly, there isn’t much I can do about any of this. So I’m not going to sit here and seethe – my heart doesn’t need the stress. And neither should you.

What you should do, however, is make sure you remember to never trust a single thing a politician says. Not even the ones you think are on your team.

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