Good News – It’s Over

Poof – just like magic, soon all the Democrat run states & cities that have had your best COVID interests at heart are opened for business and just in time for the Biden inauguration.

And here is a start to that wondrous event….

Yes, the timing is suspect. However, for those who have suffered through this last year of lockdowns, or lost your job, or been evicted from your apartment, or suffered mentally and physically. Please, never forget and think carefully about 2020 come the 2022 midterm elections and then once again come 2024. Yet, I am still grateful that it is over.

And they will all point that their recent decision or change in direction; is due to a January 5, 2020 report delivered from Stanford, as to their explanation for the reversal of the lock downs; which shows they were of no benefit. Meanwhile, thousands of medical professionals were silenced in the interim and lives lost, for no other reason than the lock down. And maybe a page from history would have been a better choice of reference.

However, Just remember those who are much kinder and wiser, did what was right. Shannon Harshbarger, post commander, American Legion Post 16 donated not one, but both his Stimulus checks to the local food bank.

These last year has been difficult at times, but never the less 2020 is in the rear-view mirror.