What the hell you want now Hawkeye
all that fancy equipment you cannot see me flying the plane
Captain I’ve checked the radar, even pulled some maps
I have no idea where the hell we are at
what the hell is going on back there!
Number 2 you got the stick
Captain… what!!!! I
I really gotta do a number 2
Shut up, store that shyt
Hawkeye this better be good
grab that book
High School Textbook Labels Upper Peninsula Map Incorrectly
Captain, see what I mean, there’s no way we are in Illinois
Captain, you better get up here
what now !!!
Captain we got something coming from behind
what is it number 2?
I think… I think it’s Ceratopogonidae
OMFG lower the boom! lower the boom!
there she goes again Captain
every time the boom operator extends the boom
she gets a big ass smile I think she’s got penis envy Captain
you’re probably right Hawkeye
There is a section of reddit dedicated to tracking all the maps made without showing Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Meet /r/MapsWithoutUP. It’s nearly as bad as a school textbooks getting the names of the Great Lakes wrong – and yes that happened.
Captain, I’m getting some chatter out of Omaha
it’s seems the Feds sent out a memo, stay clear. The Customs and Border Patrol And the National Security Agency, also was informed, NSA added never put gravy on a pasties or they will be out for blood like the No-see-ums
Maps Without the UP Is Something Every Michigander Should Hate | https://wrkr.com/maps-without-the-upper-peninsula/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral
I really gotta do a number 2
plot a course for Montana the long way around
Aye Captain
pasties keep me calm