interesting Picture

A reported 20,000 troops are being deployed in the nation’s capital. Checkpoints have been established. Razor wire topped fencing has been erected around the Capitol and Supreme Court, large swaths of official Washington have been blocked to vehicular traffic. Many Metro stations in downtown D.C. are completely closed. The Washington Monument is closed and the National Mall is set to be closed. Airbnb cancelled all reservations in the D.C. area for the period of the inauguration. Hotels are being pressured to do the same. The message to Americans is stay away from D.C.

THE 20,000 NATIONAL Guard troops preparing for pro-Trump demonstrations this weekend in the nation’s capital will be armed and permitted to use lethal force, the headquarters overseeing them says, marking a striking escalation in the way authorities there are preparing for repeat violence after last week’s deadly mob.

it’s red.. not blue

probably nothing