Motovation aka look alive FFS

If the other Branches don’t know of Chesty by now

either I’ve failed as a teacher or I have shitty students

I prefer the latter over the former

crash course

” we are surrounded… GOOD, makes our job easyier to getting to these bastards an killin them”

I’ve made a few journals as gifts, such gifts are important items

for they tell the story of everyday people doing everyday stuff

one such journals had a forward

Be your friend’s
true friend
Return gift for gift
Repay laughter
with laughter

betrayal EARNS treachery

Put that into today’s context of current events

concerning a personal journal

my forward starts with the 5 rules

Nobody is coming to save you

Everything is your RESPONSIBILTY

Save people who need savin

KILL those who need killin

Always move forward

one entry says

“today I mostly fucked around”

years from now when it’s found and someone reads that

should cause them to smile as I was when I wrote it

May the bridges I burn, light my way is another entry

must have seen early on what the gop had in store

As one lives thier LIFE as they see fit

always remember

in wine there is suppose to be wisdom

in water there is bacteria

in beer there is FREEDOM

Don’t ever swear at me again.. GET UP

” why are you always so hard me?”

Because I won’t always be here

those words are from the film April Morning

Looks like we are right back to where we were so long ago

You haven’t Lived

until you nearly died

Make it count for something

Man’s Task

make safe the path for Woman to walk without fear

Woman’s burden : to bind Man’s heart with his spirit

What’s on the line?


you hold close