One more cup of coffee

it’s like -5 which isn’t to terrible

some music

the lake flooding Advisory is a concern

Heard tell

Be careful who you let on your ship

because some people will sink the ship

just because they cannot be Captain


Mam, your words are


Deploying the KISS effect

Match my effort

Keep your word

Always be honest

Stay consistent

Own a musket for home defense

since that is what the Fathers intended

4 ruffians break into my home

What the devil!

I grab my powered wig and Kantucky rifle

Blow a golf ball size hole through the 1st one, he’s dead on the spot

Draw my pistoie on the 2nd miss him entirely because it’s a smoothbore

but got the crow hanging around here waiting for dead things to show up I resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, while yelling Tally Ho lads!

shreds 2 ruffians in the blast

the sound and extra shrapnel set off the truck alarm

Fix bayonets and charge the last terrified rapscallion

He bleeds out waiting for the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up

Just as the founding fathers intended sound far-fetched?

the bite-me will open the borders