
“A government that is strong enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have”. Thomas Jefferson

It almost seems fitting that we come to the close of our first, of what I believe will be two terms under the Trump Administration enduring another barrage of threats & drama; lead by none other than the DNC’s Pelosi & Schumer. After all, this is how it began; women in pink pussy hats marching in protest at the loss of their heroine, Hillary Clinton. The similarities to Biden’s style of campaigning were uncannily similar to Clinton’s absentee style.

Speaker, Pelosi however, is calling on the Impeachment of President Trump with only ten days remaining in his ‘supposed’ term; until the tentative upcoming inauguration date of January 20th. Chuck Schumer jumped to his feet demanding the 25th Amendment be invoked at the close of electoral vote in the wee hours of January 7th; at which time Joe Biden was declared the incoming President. And the Fake News is screaming for Pres. Trumps head for inciting violence during the Stop the Steal protest. Fake News is busy ridiculing and admonishing daily those 74 million radical, crazed terrorists and their 3 million cohorts who assaulted the sanctity of their hallowed chambers. Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram etc deleted President Trump’s personal & POTUS accounts; as they continue to purge Conservative voices in the land of the free and the home of the brave, in their zeal to protect what they shall determine the meaning of the First Amendment to be. Yes, indeed the Left really know how to celebrate a win.

Now, just how did they manage to pull off their most recent scam you might ask; as most of the prior actors have speaking contracts with CNN, MSNBC, CBS etc or are busy signing book deals.

Well, first you “might” send out a call to rally the Antifa and BLM troops to DC. And then maybe you would give them Trump hats & flags, so they would blend in (minus the faux Indian). Possibly coordinate with some of those who have provided such unbiased media coverage during the last four years – people like Jim Acosta. You might fail to mention to the Senators, so their reactions are genuine. Therein, forcing the decision thru the Senate without the 10 day audit.

There is an ever so slight problem with the timing, however, as President Trump supporters were at the opposite end of the plaza and was he was delayed almost an hour in addressing the crowd and I would suspect, this was due to security reason. Iran has been particular vocal in their threats as of recent.

One can be assured at the end of the day – the public will be told to Trust Team Biden and that is all the information that will be provided in this latest “wrap-up smear”