Parts of Capitol Hill ‘Look…

Sen. Kennedy: Parts of Capitol Hill ‘Look Like a Scene From Mad Max’

IMAGE – US National Guard soldiers stand behind a security fence topped by concertina wire surrounding the grounds of the US Capitol Building in Washington, DC on January 19, 2021. (Photo by ROBERTO SCHMIDT/AFP via Getty Images)

From my perspective, not nearly enough has been said about the continued presence of the massive number of National Guardsmen still occupying the nation’s capital at the behest of Botox Nancy. Last night on Tucker Carlson Senator John Kennedy quite a few words on the subject. 

“We had some nut jobs violate the Capitol on January 6. We brought in National Guard troops to ensure that President Biden had a safe inauguration. He did. Inauguration is over.

But if you look around Capitol Hill, parts of it look like a scene from Mad Max. I mean, there’s razor wire, there’s fences, there are barricades. There are Humvees. There are automatic weapons; at one point, they had tanks. And the news media is always filming this stuff.

If you ask our Democratic leadership, which is in charge, they don’t tell you, well, we have all this here to keep you safe.

I’m a pretty simple guy, Tucker. I like breakfast food and straight answers. And I’m not accusing anybody of anything. But Washington, D.C. being Washington, D.C., a cynic might think there’s a political angle here. A cynical person might surmise that the Democratic leadership with the news media is trying to send a message to the American people and that message might be the Republicans couldn’t keep you safe, but we, the Democrats can.”

Kennedy added that a “cynic” might also see the irony of Democrats wanting to defund the police.

During a press conference, Acting Army Secretary John E. Whitley indicated troops would remain through mid March. 

“As we continue to work to meet post-Inauguration requirements, the National Guard has been requested to continue supporting law enforcement agencies with about 7,000 personnel for the coming weeks. That presence will likely draw down to about 5,000 by mid-March,”

I know not about you all; however, I have yet to hear a clear statement of the orders. They make vague statements about supporting the Secret Service, FBI (Felonious Blatant Liars) and the police. 

As the Felonious Blatant Liars have no “credible” threats but only say there are upcoming events that could be “national security events”, yet never state what those “events” are, why does the nation’s capital have the appearance of a war zone? 

The DC Police have cordoned off vast major roadways. For what purpose? The inauguration is over. 

Since when does Botox Nancy have the authority to close down an entire city using citizen soldiers? It is past time to end this fiasco of armed troops patrolling the nation’s capital. If Xiden is so frightened of the citizens, they can surround the White House; however, the remainder of the area should return to ‘normal’.