Pompeo’s Parting Shot

Outgoing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo hasn’t been shy about calling out other nations for misbehavior. His last day in office is no different.

Today he issued an official statement declaring the ChiComs are committing genocide and crimes against humanity in the Xinjiang region.

The Uighurs, a muslim turkic people, have been systematically persecuted by the Chinese government for decades. In recent months, images and video have surfaced showing internment and re-education camps in the Xinjiang region. There are also reports of mass sterilization of Uighur women and of children being taken from Uighur parents to be placed in orphanages or with childless Chinese couples far from Xinjiang.

This move is overdue as far as I’m concerned. The CCP did the same thing to the Tibetans after they invaded and conquered that country. The ChiComs have a long history of repressing non-chinese in the territories they control.

This move also puts the Biden team in a tough spot. Joe is tied to China via his crack addict son Hunter. Allegedly. These types of designation are hard to undo, and restrict the incoming administration’s options when dealing with China.