Some people are so poor, all they have is money

The title isn’t about President Trump

and yet

it’s all about President Trump

Watching the snow fall with a coffee

it’s quiet

I can offer an opinion free of noise pollution without restriction

if Suckmyballsberg along with the Rasputin dorsey would have promoted free speech

just imagine where America & the world be today

a much better place

that’s not what they did, they did the exact opposite


they have earned some of the Old ways

due to manners and guidelines

which are not restrictions

I cannot describe them

let your mind wonder

President Trump had a life

he was set in all ways

He didn’t have to step into the Arena

He dared to show what is possible

Apply these words today’s Arena

it’s not polite speech that needs protection

it’s All speech

even speech we don’t like

to SUckmyballsberg and Rasputin dorsey

in the Arena of idea’s

your idea’s suck donkeydick

Teddy invited Booker T. Washington to dinner

sounds like plan, 2nd thinkin… should I do this? fuckit

let’s do it

for days after, months after, then decades

the backlash was immense

from people just like Suckmyballsberg and Rasputin dorsey

Booker T. did not escape the backlash either

interesting story that dinner was to become