Something wicked comes this way

That was a title of book by Ray Bradbury

explaining how quiet it really is out here

is not that same as hearing it

turn this as loud as you can you may be able to hear me breathe

About 4am I heard something like a baby crying

I was up

Kimber in hand walking to the door

Flood lights auto activated outside

I could hear what was taking place

a deer was being eatin alive by the wolves

with no wind the sound just hung in the air

took them about 15 minutes to kill it

Wolves don’t just kill their prey outright

they wound it in such a way so it cannot escape

take a chunk of flesh from the hind quarter

mosey off about 15/20 yards eat and go back for another chunk

all the while the air hangs heavy with sounds of Life & death

this early am I went out there

found the kill

thought about taking a picture of the kill


people don’t need see that

with the snow falling less something did cross my mind

Back in 2000 Charles Onians wrote a piece titled

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past

it’s like Uncle Jo and the happy ho talking about “Believe in the science”

I wonder how long it would take ole Charles to shyt his pants

if he heard what I heard this early am

I smiled at that

Wolf always leaves something behind for his very old friend
