Happy New Year Everyone
First things first
the posted picture is NOT me
I found myself over at mothers yesterday cleaning the roof of snow
which is Man’s work, how do I know this
well after I went in got a coffee & and get ear of
( you never know )
I asked her
ma, how come it’s the guys always outside in the cold cleaning the roofs ,I never see Women out there doin it
in a matter of fact tone
It’s Man’s work if your father was here, he’d be doing it
that pretty ended that conversation
Sitting on the couch she was, I had brought her a Ensure
just so you know she leaks like a sieve
Her coffee table holds many pictures under the glass
maybe yours holds pictures to
Cut me some slack here I didn’t take a picture of the picture of Uncle Earl
Ma, did Uncle E ever give you ride?
Only once and that more then plenty
that riled her up
he damn near killed me driving a 100 miles an hour
scarring the hell out of me, we went up a hill and left the ground!
did you crash?
no, but I pee’d myself , I was soaked, I was so angry with him
was about week before I decided to talk to him again
So I’m sitting & smiling there while she’s gotten fired up over something that happened in the late 1940’s , she was born in 22
which makes me a Spring Chicken 🙂
Ma did Uncle E make the blood sausage himself?
he always had the best blood sausage
no his wife Cathy made it
then she reached for the coffee table placed her hand close to Uncle E’s picture
for all practical purposes, she’s blind now so I moved her hand on top of Uncle E
I’ve out lived them all , they are all gone
she went quite for a moment then says
funniest thing I ever did see was Earl driving up with a pig on the bike. He won first place and that pig was the prize. Sometimes he’d come with home chickens and a little bit of prize money.
but that pig that was something to see I know just how that pig felt
said in a matter of fact tone
Just because it’s cold and snowing is no reason to stay inside
Her brother Earl usta ride motorcycles on the ice
still racing on the ice
welcome to da U.P eh
as I was leaving she says
Thank you son
for what ma?
it’s been far to long since I thought of Earl
see you soon ma
consider yourself lucky I spared you the rant she went on concerning her words
” goddamn doctors ”
I’ve outlived them all as well
to help you understand what I deal with
while driving away I’m thinkin
you are dealing with a Woman
who lives next to the Largest fresh body of water in the world
married a fisherman
while being deathly afraid of water
thinkin back to Dad had said
don’t try to figure out Women
for they are on thier own time
just smile
while driving away
so that’s what I was doin
Dad never shared his pipe with mother
or any female

for Women are powerful understand