The Purge Has Begun.

The Purge Has Begun. Where It Stops, Nobody Knows.

The suspension of the Twitter account “@realDonaldTrump” of President Donald Trump is shown on a smartphone screen. (Photo: Stanislav Kogiku/SOPA Images/LightRocket/Getty Images)

After the November presidential election, numerous liberals, leftists, and other opponents of President Donald Trump have called for a purge of him and his supporters from public life.

As a result of the protest that turned into a mob and then into a riot at the U.S. Capitol building,  major media and tech companies have used the moment to remove the president of the United States and millions of other Americans from their digital platforms.

The criminal behavior of a few lawbreakers should not be used as an excuse to punish and silence other Americans simply because of their political beliefs.

The actions are clearly coordinated and targeting a particular segment of individuals. This is very disconcerting when one considers Biden and the Democrats are shortly to control Congress and the White House. 

Although Biden may be talking unity, he has still called his opponents Nazis.

Further, Biden’s allies are universally celebrating the purges and calling for more retributions against political enemies.

When shutting down President Trump’s account, Twitter’s official statement cited “risk of further incitement of violence” from Trump’s tweets about not attending the Biden inauguration. At best, their reasoning is hollow as they continue to allow the Chinese Communist Party, Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro, and the ayatollah of Iran to have a platform. 

We have, also, seen big tech shutdown competition, in the form of Parler. 

The CEO of Mozilla seemed to go even further concerning de platforming.

By now, it should not be shocking the dramatic difference in how these same companies treat the left. Just last year, the defended vandalism and violence, saying violence is an acceptable means of affecting policy change. Those statements were not met with mass purges and deplatforming.

If the president can be silenced by a Big Tech cabal, what’s the average American to do when that mighty, metaphorical digital knee comes down on their neck? Big Tech is signaling to half the country that they very soon also might be silenced. In fact, reports indicate many are being purged from sites they frequent. 

These actions look very much like McCarthyism. Wasn’t McCarthyism supposed to be a bad thing? Apparently only to the oligarchs of big tech.

PS: Being snarky, one would think as much money as the CEO of Mozilla makes she could find a decent hair stylist. 😎🤓😂