The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Beaver lake. The lake is located near Baldwinsville NY and is part of the Onondaga county parks system.

The tech purge has begun. Twitter is deleting accounts linked to Qanon, including General Flynn and Sid Powell. They’re also deleting accounts tweeting about what happened in DC with the riots. Techno_fog, a legal analyst who specialized in the Flynn case has also been deleted.

In further news, Apple is threatening Parler with removal from their app store if that platform doesn’t enact strict censorship rules.

Governor Nuisance has issued a new WuFlu order. Californians are no longer supposed to travel more than 120 miles from home. With the caveat that I’m not a virologist or epidemiologist, this rule perplexes me. Is this virus distance activated now?

I really wish everyone in DC would calm the f*ck down. The histrionics coming from the usual suspects is way over the top. Between the calls for the cabinet to invoke the 25th amendment, a new impeachment push and, worst of all, the talk about Trump flinging nukes in the last two weeks of his term. Just shut up.

Speaking of impeachment, it seems the Dems are in a rush to introduce new articles of impeachment. It’s being reported that articles will be introduced in the house early next week. Of course Adam Schiff is up to his pencil neck in this fiasco.

President Trump has announced he will not be attending Joe Biden’s inauguration. It looks like Mike Pence will be attending in his place.

It seems the Kraken has turned on Sidney Powell. Dominion voting systems has filed suit against her. “Powell’s wild accusations are demonstrably false,” the company said in its complaint. “Acting in concert with allies and media outlets that were determined to promote a false preconceived narrative about the 2020 election, Powell launched a viral disinformation campaign about Dominion that reached millions of people and caused enormous harm to Dominion.” Dominion is seeking $1.3 billion in damages.

The rotund leader of North Korea has re-upped his commitment to procuring and developing nuclear weapons. He also stated the Hermit Kingdom will restart it’s ballistic missile program, to include medium range, long range and sea launched missiles.

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