What the Hell was that!!??

To put stuff in the proper context, we must start with how the news uses the drumbeat of

Don’t believe your eyes

listen to us

instead of listing examples of that

I’ll relate something from the lake as a kid of 11/12 years of age

one of my brothers was in the wheelhouse while I was just about to open the door when something hit us, more like we bounced off of it. The fish tug went starboard.

If you never seen St. Elmo’s before it looks like a ball of fire

pure energy

was about 2 feet round maybe 3

came out of nowhere, hit the bow came through the window, hit the radio, burnt the wall then it was gone.

All this happened within seconds, my brother had the hair of

I’m still by the door when I hear dad back on the back of boat


he come running up thinkin we hit a schoal

meanwhile dad’s brother “Boots” was about 30 yards off the starboard

( I’ll have to ask mother what his real name was, only knew him as Uncle Boots)

dad called him Boots so everyone called him Boots

Boots comes along side yelling


So there’s the context

after watching this

you to will say


The reason for the UFO picture?

Buried within the bowels of the $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief and government funding bill started a 180 day countdown for the Pentagon and spy agencies to say what they know about UFOs.

Here’s a story from Korea

In May 1951, one year into the Korean War, PFC Francis P. Wall and his regiment found themselves stationed near Chorwon, about 60 miles north of Seoul. As they were preparing to bombard a nearby village with artillery, all of a sudden, the soldiers saw a strange sight up in the hills—like “a jack-o-lantern come wafting down across the mountain.”

What happened after—the pulsing, “attacking” light, the lingering debilitating symptoms—would mystify many for decades to come.

As the GIs watched, the craft made its way down into the village, where the artillery air bursts were starting to explode. “We further noticed that this object would get right into…the center of an airburst of artillery and yet remain unharmed,” Wall later told John P. Timmerman of the Center for UFO Studies in a 1987 interview. Suddenly, the object turned, Wall said. And whereas at first, it had glowed orange, now it was a pulsating blue-green brilliant light. He asked his company commander for permission to fire at the object with armor-piercing bullets from an M-I rifle. As the bullets hit the body of the craft, he recalled, they made a metallic “ding.” The object started behaving still more erratically, shunting from side to side as its lights flashed on and off.

Throughout History

there’s been sightings of


just Before & during Conflict

Constantine seen something