A Drunken-ish Rant

I’m going to rant here for a second. Please forgive any grammatical and spelling errors, I’ve been at the sauce . . .

Its been 39 days and Biden has bombed Syria.


Early reports are that cameltoe is pissed because she was cut out of the loop, and found out about the strike the same way I did; on twitter.


Like Don jr, that makes me wonder if Joe knew. Or was it the natsec people who made the decision.

It’s being said that this strike was in retaliation for the rocket attack on Irbil international airport that killed an american contractor.

Regardless, its a return to the forever wars, and not a good thing.

I also need to report some very unusual air traffic around the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad. There are a bunch of ISR aircraft flying racetrack patterns around what amounts to a Russian nuclear weapons staging area on the baltic coast.


Two or three ISR aircraft would be noteworthy, 9 are a big story.

What’s more, Latvian intelligence has released a report that suggests belarus has been reabsorbed by Russia proper and will be used to launch attacks into the baltic states and ukraine.

I’m not sure how much credence to place in that report, and you need to decide for yourself. That said my guess is that Vlad is going to test sleepy Joe.

Do I think military operations are coming in the immediate future? No, but Ive been wrong enough about that kind of thing in the past to be aware of that fault. Besides, it is Russia we’re talking about. . .