Biden Approval Index:…

Biden Approval Index: This Sure Doesn’t Look Like the Mandate Democrats Think They Have

IMAGE – AP Photo/Evan Vucci

During the 2020 election, President BZiden received 80 million votes. He, in fact, received more votes than any previous candidate. 

With this unprecedented vote total, one would think there would be unbridled enthusiasm. This thinking has led to his bypassing Congress and running his handlers agenda by Executive Orders. 

With this in mind, here is a look at the standings after day seven of his reign.

Biden has not been above water a single time in the Approval Index rating. This index is the difference between how many likely voters strongly approve and how many strongly disapprove. Total approval has hit 50% once so far. 

Let us take a look,at the same seven day time frame for Trump. 

What is so astonishing about these results is the fact BZiden has the support of corporate media outlet, tech company, and cultural institution behind him. They should be wearing bibs they have been drooling so greatly over him. 

This may be what happens when you relax voting rules and encourage people who don’t usually vote to participate. Activists opened up the floodgates with drop boxes, massive mail-in voting participation, and even the collecting of those ballots in some states. Or you get a billionaire to invest in a get-out-the-vote initiative in Democrat strongholds. These tactics might get you the win; however, it does not guarantee a buy-in for your candidate’s agenda.