How many of you got to lay around on Saturday watching cartoons while stuffin your face with pancakes
or the Captain Crunch
I have no idea to many I suspect
I only mention the Captain Crunch because it was like a treat
normally it was oatmeal or grits with a pinch of salt, tab of butter swimming in maple syrup
If it wasn’t oatmeal and grits
it was grits or oatmeal
every damn morning
except Sundays
Sundays was the start of the work week for dad
so it was fish patties and eggs
ever go to school and try to trade boiled fish, fish patties, pickled fish
so on and so forthe for a PB sammich?
well I’m here to tell you
it ain’t happening
Half hour of the cartoons, that’s it Get outside!
having 2 cracked ribs from falling on the ice covered rocks is no fun
it’ll take the wind right out of ya, did me
crawling back home hoping for kindness
” NOW what did you do!”
Ma, I got a broke ribs I can stay in right?
that was talk-back in her book of parenting
How many times have I told you kids to stay off the shoreline in winter
she didn’t even bother with the clinic got a ace bandage wrapped me up
it’s your own damn fault
now get your coat
get outside
for reference and just so you know ma was ALWAYS armed
you ever get whacked in the back of the head?
what she would do is
turn her wedding ring around so your head felt the rock
trust me when I say
your feet followed your head towards the door
Now I eat the Captain Crunch like people eat junk food
what’s that
you wanted something sweet as a kid?
go find a maple tree with an icicle
the maple sap will make the ice sweet
even had to defend the Crunch against a raccoon that broke in
hiss at me while eating MY Captain Crunch will ya
when all said an done
I boiled his teeth
I got pictures for proof!
all that being said
I can understand why I’ll never be invited to a press briefing with the orange woman bad
I’d be like Leghorn
Look at me when I’m talking to you
I say that boy got more screws loose
then a hardware store in hurricane!
Now I see the ice and just smile
smiling is safer