
I have a friend who winters down in Brownsville to escape the cold & snow.

He checked in last week commenting on the sub-zero temps

“it’s so nice to go fishing in short sleeves”

he mentioned something about doin some pig hunting with a farmer friend

I translated that as bla bla bla

nice friends I have eh


right now it’s like 21 below, suppose to warm up to 15 below

the wizzards say at least 2 more weeks of subzero temps

ohh yeah

more snow is in the forecast

driving in snow is way different then driving in heat

best thing for Texas right now stay off the roads

first rule of snow SLO THE HELL down

speed kills

rolling power outtages I been reading as well

cranking the heat won’t do squat except raise your bill

dress in layers, put pans of water out for humidity in your home

make do with what you have as far as supplies

you may not worry about your driving it’s the others out there that is the concern

And there is Steve

Steve only comes back in July or July

under Doctor’s orders he was told to move where is warm

he moved to the west side of Florida back in the early 80’s

his problem?

his blood was coagulating inside his body during winter

was a strange thing to watch him just slo down having to unthaw him was kinda funny

yet extremely dangerous for Steve

thing about Steve

he hates snakes

think of buckwheat’s eyes when Steve see’s a snake

lots of snakes in Florida

I stopped counting the days I’ve been in sub-zero temperatures

the wizzards say possibly 2 more weeks of sub-zero

I don’t care

I have a smoker I will be working tomarrow

today I have some pork

that needs to be unthawed, cut, mixed, formed, chilled overnight

I was going to make Bacon

changed my mind to something that’s less expensive in case things go wrong

I’ve had to replace the sealed self lubricating air pump, I brought the pump in, after it unthawed

I notice all the fluid was on the floor

picked up 25 ft. of fishtank air hose

now I can regulate the pump inside where it’s warm 🙂