I’m not the sort that takes credit for other people’s work
I’ve known some here & there who were like that
we didn’t get along to well
so we’ll leave that there
did 3 smokes to season the box
blew a pump do to sub zero tempatures
during the testing stages I swear my nips could have cut glass
I wanted to make Bacon
first things yaknow
Break it in right with the all – American scent carrying on wind
most people handle bacon with one hand
well I ain’t most people , I have a slab of pork belly 14. 3 pounds
mine is bigger this example

Be a shame if the smoker didn’t perform up to my standards and waste such a beautiful chunk of meat
I don’t care if from the farm or the field
taking an animal
you treat with respect through the whole process
yeah, we were given dominion over them
don’t mean we gotta be assholes about it
this is where the Old Fat Guy comes in
looking around for a recipe that’s much cheaper and still contain BACON!
( of sorts )
you can make this in your oven it’s that easy

whatever you do, don’t use that junk in a plastic bottle that says maple syrup
as you can see I get the stuff down road by the half or full gallon

powdered milk restrurant grind black pepper, Kosher salt with a dash of green stuff ( sage) half cup of the maple syrup with an extra splash

started at 7 degrees below zero, finished up at -9
I must say Old Fat Guy I am surprized how bacony this stuff is

I did add some doodads

the OFG’s video that I followed
already written down in the book of BACON!
OFG sliced his like bacon
it’s sausage
so mine looks like proper sausage
Now I’m ready for the Main Event