States Busy With Nullification

The first thing to do is provide a definition of what nullification is;

Nullification is  an action by a state not to enforce a federal law as improperly encroaching on the scope of state power.

As President BZiden moves to wreck any and all progress made under President Trump, states are seeing the adverse impact of President Biden’s prolific issuing Executive Orders. Many, including myself, do not believe he is cognizant enough to know what he is signing. Someone puts it in front of him, he signs it. 

The idea of nullification originated with Thomas Jefferson. It came about in 1798 with his authoring of Kentucky Resolutions. In this resolution, Jefferson’s belief was the U. S. Constitution was a compact among the several states-whereby the states delegated certain limited powers to the U.S. government; any undelegated power exercised by the U. S. government is thus void. He further held the government is not the final and authoritative judge of its own powers, since that would make it the government’s discretion, and not the Constitution

It would seem some states have finally realized they are in charge of their states not someone issuing EOs and not the unelected government bureaucracies who issue rules and regulations. 

First, we have the Missouri House passing gun law bill that would punish a police department, through civil lawsuits, if an officer enforces federal gun laws. A twin of the bill is also moving through the Senate. 

Next, we have North Dakota with House Bill 1282, which creates a 14-member committee on “nullification of federal laws.” The group would be authorized to bring an executive order or federal law before the legislature to let the chambers decide whether those laws should be enforced.

In commenting on the bill, Representative Rick Becker had the following to say;

“I swore an oath to the four pages of the constitution, not the 67,000 pages of the federal register. The constitution is sacrosanct. It’s four pages, it’s entirely different. I did not swear an oath to all of the other garbage that comes forth from the swamp in D.C.,” 

AuntiE thinks she may be in love with Representative Becker for his statement.

At the same time, South Dakota has introduced House Bill 1194. This bill sets each EO for review upon which time the legislature would then determine if they want to seek an exemption or declare it unconstitutional by the Attorney General.

Most recently, Oklahoma Governor Stitt issue a nullification order based on President Bziden’s Executive Order 13990, stating, in part; 

“is in contravention of Article II Section 2 and the 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution,”

His nullification is primarily aimed at the adverse impact of the EO on the energy sector, not only in Oklahoma, but other states. Governor Stitt sees Bziden’s actions as an unconstitutional seizure of power. 

Currently 24 states have full Republican control of the legislative and executive branch. Republicans have full control of the legislative branch in 31 states. 

Population of the 31 fully R-controlled legislature states: 185,895,957

Population of the 18 fully D-controlled legislature states: 133,888,565

It is time for the remainder of the Republican states to issue their nullification legislation. 

People keep saying, “but what can we do?”

You start hounding your state and local officials to consider nullification. For years, I have said local and state officials should receive more attention. Now is the time to make them represent you against the oligarch sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 

For a more thorough reading on Thomas Jefferson and nullification, an excellent article can be found at