The Gaffer, The Giggler & The Lush (Part 1)

Some may consider the title for this opinion piece to be disrespectful. Then, I would suggest my mission is accomplished and I have achieved the intended reaction. Respect is not a given, it is earned and as such, of the three Non De Plum’s, none have earned the titles or authority they now hide behind.

It has been widely reported from many news sources that the “riots” at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 were a coordinated or a staged event. And given the response, or lack there of, from Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi; inclusive of the fact another failed attempt by the Democrats to once again Impeach the 45th President was absent of evidence or proof provides validation to these assertions.

Comment: This analysis by an independent has drawn my attention versus the reporting from many news outlets…..