The View From Here

Today’s featured image is of Boldt castle and Hart Island in the St. Lawrence river near Alexandria NY.

It’s been a while since the last edition of the View. This editor was hoping to be able to do them more regularly again. However life has gotten in the way. The View is going to transform back to what it was initially intended to be, a spot for this editor to rant about the news of the day occasionally. Anyway, here we go.

Cancel culture came for Gina Carano. For those of you unfamiliar with Ms.Carano, she’s an actress and former MMA fighter. Her latest acting gig was in Disney’s The Mandalorian, where she played former Rebel Alliance soldier Cara Dune. Gina is an outspoken Trump supporter. And if you needed any more proof cancel culture mostly targets the right, one of her co-stars tweeted a very similar image to what got Carano canned. Looks like this editor will be cancelling his Disney+ subscription. I only had it for the Mandalorian. . .

It has been said you can’t fix stupid. Well, if the results of a Zogby poll are to be believed, my home state is all kinds of stupid. Less than 45% of residents of the Empire state think the Love Gov should lose his job. Its past time to get the f*ck out of here.

While this editor is anti-abortion, he is not as rabidly pro-life as some out there. That said, it is very disappointing to see LifeSite News has been removed from YouTube. The anti-abortion site has been completely scrubbed from that platform. All of their videos have been deleted and the channel deactivated. More Big Tech censorship.

The grifters at the “Lincoln” Project are being exposed more and more each day. Not only are there questions about what they did with the millions of dollars they raked in, it turns out they knew that co-founder John Weaver was engaged in sexual misconduct. According to Fox, members of the organization’s leadership were informed in writing and in subsequent phone calls of at least 10 specific allegations of harassment against co-founder John Weaver, including two involving Lincoln Project employees.

Then there’s the money shenanigans. Since its creation, the Lincoln Project has raised $90 million. But only about a third of the money, roughly $27 million, directly paid for advertisements. The rest seems to have disappeared into a warren of personally owned consulting firms and into the pockets of the founders.

The second impeachment wrapped up today. Frankly, the whole thing was a waste of time. The House rushed through the Articles without any testimony. Terminal squish John Roberts refused to preside over the “trial”. The dems never had the votes in the Senate to convict. The entire process was weaponized because Orange Man bad or something. The only positive I see out of this whole fiasco is the fact that a bunch of Americans are finally taking the red pill and waking up to the fact that DC is the problem, not the solution.

This item just broke as the View was about ot go live.

Legendary composer and jazz pianist Chick Corea has died of cancer at age 79. He was a 23 time Grammy winner and profoundly affected this editor’s musical tastes. Resquicat In Pace.

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