What is good in LIFE!!!!?

you’ll got off easy with that title

I was pondering a Life lesson

If Women don’t find you handsome

you best be handy – Women love a good handyman

Yes, today’s topic is all about BACON

Ever notice your Bacon skrinkin when you fry it up?

There is reason for that

check the Ingredience

1st item listed is WATER

I ain’t payin for something I’m surrounded by which is water

ain’t doin it

some years ago I was at my cousin’s bar

it’s where I woke up

his cook was no where to be found , a delivery truck arrived

his cook

well let’s just say spending 15 years in california really messed the cook up

think in these terms

” it’s good to home”

Anyways here I in the basement where the freezers for the food

I spot this meat slicer

“Yaknow cousin, I ain’t working for free here, what’s up with that slicer?”

“unload the truck and take it, get it the hell out of here it’s busted”

Took it home, took it apart cleaning as I went a broke wire

that’s all that was wrong with it

using food grade grease on parts which not for food- it’s for food machines

plugged it in

fired right up Big Smile 🙂

ever price one?

they are NOT cheap

I got a Boston Univex for unloading a truck 🙂

even had the sharping wheels attachment

a new blade goes for about 150.00

from setting in the basement the wheel got pitted

doesn’t mean it doesn’t hold an edge

looks like crap, operates extremely well

like thick Bacon? that’s the number 3 setting

about 1/8 inch

some stains just don’t come out

Started with 14 pounds of pork belly

ended up 11 pound of bacon

and don’t even start because I’ve heard all before in a few different ways

think Christmas

” Why is it, it don’t matter what I give to you to wrap it always looks like you are wrapping fish

don’t you have something to do outside , go kill something”

And yes, my freezers are color coded & dated so don’t start in about my tape usage

it was the closet item to grab to hold the tid bits

soups & stuff

wanna know how I got that egg plate instead of sis?

well I’ll tell you

I mixed up some deviled eggs for a gathering, used just a drop or so of Sarachra sause

mother was impressed with the flavor

” take this home, it was your grandmother’s”

I just don’t eat yaknow

there are other topics

such as that terrible boating accident

why discuss such things when Bacon is close

With a name like Sir Francis Bacon

No dout a Ladies Man

it’s true yaknow



ever get the sense you are sitting at my kitchen table while we discuss stuff?

as it should be