When Government expands Freedom contracts

Winters are long, at times brutal

at the moment it’s 16 degrees

ohh what’s this

Winter storm WATCH

6-10 inches which a blanant lie

they say that, expect 8-12 inches

wind gusts 35mph

winter starts in October ending sometime in April

I seen big ass ice chunks floatin in the lake on a July 4th

don’t talk me about GLOBUL Bullshyt

where was I… ohh yeah

with the way winter is one has to find stuff to do outside

that is surrounded by Happiness & a fair amount of drinking

( example)

eh! you want ya drink? what ya got and how much?

we got the

price is free! only 2 drinks per person ( they had 4 cases stacked up )
mind you now …you are just approaching the entrance to the gathering


Trenary Outhouse Classic announces cancelation

The organization stated that they do not have the ability to follow MDHHS restrictions, such as making sure that there are no more than 25 people per 1,000 sq. ft area.

In a comment under the post, the organization stated that they do not have the ability to follow current MDHHS restrictions, such as making sure that there were no more than 25 people per 1,000 sq. ft. area. “We held off as long as we could,” the post read, “but unfortunately things are coming down to the wire and a decision had to made. We thank all of you for your support over the years and WILL be having a race next year.”

What Happiness looks like UP here

yoopers will work the problem while outside

for that’s where we to be found


our Happiness is NOT dependent on the Restrictions they place on our lives

Our fortunes?

We put more value on Faith Family & Country then coin

yaknow how I can tell you ain’t from around here?

it’s when You ask for a translator