The Constitution is the Lifeblood of the American Patriot

Liberty is her child


she is your Birthright

Defend with your last breath

for without Freedom

this Constitutional Republic

shall forever suffocate beneath the dregs of Tyranny

Let’s put things into perspective

Joe biden went from

stealing a man’s wife

to stealing speeches

to stealing money

to stealing an election

I have done things that haunt my nights

so you can sleep in peace

I have been away far away from family & friends

so that yours can be safe

I have sacrificed a lot in my life

so that you live free

I have done these things because I sworn an Oath to my country and her people

I will live by this Oath until I die

joe biden you are not my President

I had a few other items weighing on my mind

then outta the blue

it was like WHAMMO!

a question came to mind

God dude

” chance ”

God dude

why you takin me through troubled waters?

” because your enemies cannot swim”

fair enough God

never dout

there’s always music playin in my head

I had a pig and his name was Sam
Sunday he was bacon, on Monday he was ham

Grinding my Ka-bar in the barn
While my donkey runs the farm

Got a steer and his name was Jake
Tuesday he was burgers on Wednesday he was steak

Grinding my ka-bar in the barn
while my donkey runs the farm

bare with me ’cause this may sound sick
Gotta strip out some baby chicks

Me and my donkey gonna take a little trip
The Colonel’s in need of some Crispy strips

lo righty lo righty lo righty lo
lefty right a lo, here we go

Got two roosters named larry and Lee
One’s going to Church’s the other KFC

Grinding my ka-bar in the barn
While my donkey runs the farm

Got some lamb and a couple of sheep
Gotta have gyros and mutton ain’t cheap

I still grind my ax in the barn
while my donkey runs the farm…