Are you a reasonable Man or Woman?

First we smile

Now we get down to business

Next week will be filled with the gun control drumbeat

Going to share a story

for those who know, be patient for those who may not

it’s a story about a reasonable man driven to do unreasonable things.

Marvin Heemeyer was a man who owned a muffler shop in Granby Colorado. The city council ordained to approve the construction of a concrete factory in the lot across from Marvin’s shop. In the process this blocked the only access road to the muffler shop. Marvin petitioned to stop the construction to no avail. Petitioned to construct a new access road, and even bought the heavy machinery to do so himself. Denied. 

The concrete factory went up in disregard to the ramifications on Marvin’s business. To add insult to injury, the factory construction disconnected the muffler shop from the city sewage lines. An indifferent city government then chose to fine Marvin for this.

His business and livelihood were in ruin. Rather than lie down and die, Marvin chose to fight back. Over the course of a year and a half Marvin secretly outfitted the bulldozer he bought to save his business with three foot thick steel and concrete armor, camera systems guarded with bulletproof glass.

On June 4th 2004 Marvin Heemeyer lowered the armored shell over top of himself, entombing himself inside the Killdozer to make his last stand.

He burst fourth from the walls of his muffler shop and straight into the concrete factory that ruined his business. Over the course of the next several hours Marvin drove his Killdozer through 13 buildings owned by those officials that had wronged him, including the city council building itself.

Swat teams swarmed the dozer, but it proved immune to small arms fire and even explosives. Another piece of heavy machinery was even brought out to fight the Killdozer, but it too fell to the dozers righteous fury.

In the end, Marvin’s Killdozer became trapped in one of the buildings it was built to destroy. Marvin chose to take his life, the only life he took that day.

Today we think about Killdozer day and Marvin Heemeyer,

A man driven to the brink who chose to fight back against an indifferent system.

From notes left behind after his passing:

“I was always willing to be reasonable until I had to be unreasonable.”

Jill ( fake name )

you are a Responsible gun owner

“with small children I am extra cautious”

I know you are

but let’s say you hear a knock on the door

Miss Smithwesson?


we have your school age children, yes mam they are safe

all we ask is you turn over your firearms and your children will be returned to you

what do you do Jill?

” Chance! you are not asking a fair question”

I mentioned Abraham Clark to her

off I went

I seen her a few weeks later

her first words to me

“you sonofbitch”

when one suffers

we all suffer Jill