Biden Admin Demands Supreme Court ….

Biden Admin Demands Supreme Court Allow Cops Seize Homeowner’s Guns Without a Warrant

The Biden Administration has now reportedly urged the Supreme Court to allow police officers to enter private homes and seize legally owned firearms without a warrant.

The court heard the Biden administration press the case for firearms confiscation during oral arguments in Caniglia v. Strom on Wednesday.

The case involves an elderly married couple whose personal argument spiraled out of control and eventually led local police to seize the husband’s handgun without a warrant or proper cause.

As Forbes reports:

This expansion could also have perverse effects and disincentivize people from calling for help. As that brief noted, “When every interaction with police or request for help can become an invitation for police to invade the home, the willingness of individuals to seek assistance when it is most needed will suffer.”

But in its first amicus brief before the High Court, the Biden Administration glossed over these concerns and called on the justices to uphold the First Circuit’s ruling. Noting that “the ultimate touchstone of the Fourth Amendment is ‘reasonableness,’” the Justice Department argued that warrants should not be “presumptively required when a government official’s action is objectively grounded in a non-investigatory public interest, such as health or safety.”

“The ultimate question in this case is therefore not whether the respondent officers’ actions fit within some narrow warrant exception,” their brief stated, “but instead whether those actions were reasonable,” actions the Justice Department felt were “justified” in Caniglia’s case…

“The Fourth Amendment protects our right to be secure in our property, which means the right to be free from fear that the police will enter your house without warning or authorization,” said Institute for Justice Attorney Joshua Windham. “A rule that allows police to burst into your home without a warrant whenever they feel they are acting as ‘community caretakers’ is a threat to everyone’s security.”
By: Mathew Williams – March 25, 2021

Comment: So, who can express even a modicum of surprise, considering Biden’s announcement less that twenty-four hours after the Colorado, Monday – March 22 shooting and yesterday’s Ninth Circuit ruling. I will take a page from the father of Officer Eric Talley, who was killed in the line of duty……

“My son would have been deeply offended to know his death would be used to promote gun control. Before he was an officer, he enjoyed shooting,” Homer Talley told TMZ about his son, officer Eric Talley. “To take away that freedom completely is something I am against and my son was against.”

Officer Eric Talley in a file photo. (Courtesy of Boulder Police Department via AP)