

is the acceptance of defeat without struggle, often with negative connotations

democrats have the country where they want it.

They’re going for the kill shot.

After the election debacle where they managed to steal a landslide election from the most popular president in modern history, Democrats are pushing every program they can think of to seal the deal.

If HRI is pushed into law it’s all over.  The country is gone.

All words quoted there are not my words

We all know the tale

known as the

shot heard round the world

there is another story just as important

the 1777 Saratoga Campaign.

Rally Shot

On Oct. 7, 1777, British Brigadier General Simon Fraser boldly rode onto Bemis Heights, rallying his troops in a desperate fight with rebel sharpshooters. American Major General Benedict Arnold marveled at Fraser’s audacity but feared it, too. “That man on the gray horse is a host unto himself and must be disposed of,” Arnold told Colonel Daniel Morgan, the sharpshooters’ commander.

Morgan sent a trusted marksman up a tree to target Fraser, who soon fell from the saddle, shot in the guts. The rally sputtered, the redcoats fled and the rebels won the Saratoga Campaign

It was the first major victory of Americans over a similarly sized British force and proved the might of General George Washington’s “amateur” army. But Saratoga also inspired France, a longtime foe of England, to ally with the colonists. It set the stage for America’s Revolutionary War victory, which motivated liberty seekers across the globe

thanks to one rifleman

Tradition says he was an Irish backwoodsman from Pennsylvania

one Sergeant Timothy Murphy

I am a great fan of Timothy Murphy

even White feather would smile at the name

Defeatism is a word that would have been Foreign to Chris

Tim takes the shot

Saratoga was a month-long campaign involving two major battles at Freeman’s Farm and Bemis Heights, where Fraser galloped onto scene, impressing Morgan as much as Arnold. After receiving his general’s order, Morgan, according to tradition, turned to Murphy and said, “That gallant officer is General Fraser. I admire him, but it is necessary that he should die. Do your duty.”

estimated the range at 330 yards

Nowadays, any competent rifleman could have hit General Fraser

but firing a rifle accurately back then was far more complicated.

There was more to it than just holding high and squeezing the trigger

Think of it this way:

Murphy squeezes trigger, but for a short time

he has to physically and mentally follow-through

The rifle may have gone click, but it still has to go through a whoosh and a bang

That might take a second or more, Timothy had to stay on target the entire time or his shot would be off.


modern guns and ammo let a shooter launch a bullet in the fraction of a second.

New riflescopes, rangefinders and bullet technology also boost accuracy.

But back then, there was no such thing as match ammo. So what about a guy shooting with open sights with what was basically a shotgun slug? You’re starting with a very low ballistic coefficient. You’re shooting a bowling ball instead of a javelin. It would only be worse if it was square.

some more quoted words that are

Deadnuts Accurate

Nothing is over!


Chris Kyle day is February 2

I don’t even live in Texas

much in common

Now we have an understanding of the posted picture