This post is like kinda sorta bouncing WhyNot’s Nam posting
I suppose one could view it as deflection as well
“you all sound the same”
Was something Armydog’s wifey had said to us sitting at her table
what you mean?
2 different places so much pain
she touched my face it hurt?
I didn’t say anything
some insight about Armydog
Thousands of men who limped home from the Korean War, hurt not by bullets but by relentless subzero cold, are making painful discoveries four decades later. Frost-injured limbs that once got better unexpectedly are getting worse with age.
Veterans who quietly overcame their injuries are suffering today from new symptoms that include infections, skin cancer, joint deterioration and extreme sensitivity to cold. In the worst cases, men are losing limbs to amputation as infections settle into stumps and scars that lack healthy nerves and circulation.
“Any front-line soldier or Marine has got to have a problem. And I was probably more fortunate than most of the victims.”
The battle at the Chosin Reservoir lasted about a week toward the end of 1950, ending in retreat. It is assumed that nearly all the 18,000 Allied soldiers and Marines who fought there suffered frostbite or some “cold injury.”
Frostbite occurs when ice crystals form inside tissues, destroying cells and blood vessels as they expand. Although less extreme, cold injury is an insidious condition in which prolonged exposure constricts vessels–cutting off circulation like a tourniquet. Extremities can die from lack of blood flow even though they don’t actually freeze.
In either case, surviving tissues are often left with damaged blood vessels and nerves. Later, the natural forces of aging, such as impaired circulation, can make once-manageable ailments intolerable.
His extremities are so sensitive to cold that he can’t tolerate an air-conditioned car in the summer. His gait is uneven, even tipsy until he gains momentum.
Don’t let his hurties fool you none
While he cannot keep up
he will watch your flank with Attitude
“Goshdamn ground is frozen
my new 30 foot flag pole hasn’t arrived yet
That bastard in the d.c. will know I how I feel”

Don’t ever think bad of me when I raze the other branches
for me it’s like a self defense SOP
keeping sharp mentally
with total Respect