Evaluation: tell me what you see

Well doc, I don’t see any difference between a locust swarm or hoard of illegals

both cause great destruction

I got question doc

“give it to me” Doc,

would you eat the drumsticks on that locust?

Doc you ain’t looking so good

just think doc before farming, people were hunter / types

then people decided to live in bunches, where they grew and stored food that was their mistake doc

others wanted what they had

then of course you add changing weather like drought, floods, bugs, disease

that’s a recipe for disaster was a time when 4 Great civilizations fell one after the other

was called the Bronze Age doc

back then there were swarms of people known as the Sea people ( invaders + illegals = same same! )

Doc, ever hear of Scorched Earth? well that’s what I did

first move was to use a bit of pick salt added some korsherr salt along with brown sugar an some water mixed up the brine chilled over night doc

removed and riseed patted dry applied some cooking spray , lightly dusting both sides

smoked at 275 for like 2 1/2 hours

Light coating of the cooking spray again

( don’t care for rubber skin )

added more of the mesquite dusting

the 150 types doc will not find anything here to eat

the pink salt I mentioned is nitrate

my standard go to salt is a Maple cured salt

using the pink stuff as you see the legs have the color of ham

Doc where ya going?

” to the cafeteria “

Am I free to go?

” Please do an by any mean available ”

Extra stuff:

Soup season is a long season

I had already used one leg for turkey and noodle soup

yes there was only 2 legs per package

it’s 13 degrees

toldja soup season is a long season