
Steve Mcqueen was an avid fly fisherman

his words

” I would rather wake up in the middle of nowhere than in any city in the world ”

winter camping

really hasn’t changed it still gets cold

I want one
I’d be stylin while in town
1957 Minnisota
eye still workin
cooking in the rain 1954

letters from camp


open carry family 1934

I fully understand

” make due with what you have and be damn happy you have it ”

At first glance I thought I was seeing lot lizards setting up shop outside a shell station

that wasn’t very nice of me

let me explain

who the hell camps on the cement?

it’s a RV lot at Salton Sea …. California

While I was looking at equipment used why back when it’s then it occured to me

these are the people who the governors killed in nursing homes

South Dakota has been denied a fireworks for the 4th at the Mount Rushmore

I wouldn’t be surprized if these Anti-American communistbastards close the parks

would this not make a great roll up window shade?

People should view camping as practice

for living outside