Hot for teacher

“Pregnant women are going to fight our wars”


Command Senior Enlisted Leader of United States Space Command, Scott H. Stalker

I applied my best Clint Eastwood

” Death stare”

I cannot believe I read that Stalker

Stalker as you may know or may not

this weekend we change our clocks back

I’m turning mine back to 1776

when Men had balls and the chicks didn’t

Stalker I’m going to tell you a story of a Woman

Her fierce motherly instincts reared to the fore when the Japanese threatened to kill her students.

She turned from motherly school teacher to stealthy lone assassin

When the Japanese arrived in the Philippines in 1941, they took away all the possessions of Filipinos. No one was allowed to own businesses, and no one was allowed to teach anything except those approved by Imperial Japan. 

In her hometown of Tacloban, the Japanese forced busines

owners into submission by drenching them in scalding water. 

Alone in the junglre and dressed in all-black attire

she would set up ambushes in the jungle armed only with a makeshift shotgun, which she made out of a gas pipe

and her bolo

For 2 and years, alone and barefoot

Slicing thier throuts quietely and quickly

she carried out attacks on the Japanese Imperial Army

She went from teaching the alphabet to schoolchildren to training men how to kill silently. From being called “Miss Fernandez” by her pupils, she earned the title “Captain Fernandez” among the 110 guerrillas under her command. 

Her small guerrilla army became so efficient and deadly, the Americans were astounded a woman led them. In fact, Fernandez was the only female guerrilla commander in the Philippines during World War II.

“That was when they called me Captain Nieves Fernandez, she said. “Now I’m just Miss Fernandez.” 

She was 38 years of age

Captain Nieves Fernandez took out 200 enemy

Thinking Carlson would have called her Mam

while welcoming her to the Raiders

having to stop the MISSION because of a water break

is NOT Combat Ready

There some Women who can and will keep up

that is not the norm

what’s the Norm?

to free up the Man sitting behind that desk or driving a forklift or any MOS

so he can carry the rifle

that’s team work

Social engineering has no place in Combat

while hearing the music think in terms of how Men & Women think different


you trying to make a move on me?

No Mam I was just admiring your umm Bolo

yeah that’s it

your Bolo

can I touch it 🙂