It Was 40 Years Ago Today. . .

That President Ronald Reagan was shot.

The assasination attempt occurred as Reagan was leaving the Washington Hilton after delivering a speech to the AFL/CIO. John Hinckley jr approached and opened fire. In addition to Reagan, James Brady, Reagan’s Press Secretary, Secret Service agent Timothy J. McCarthy and DC police officer Thomas K. Delahanty were wounded.

The president was hit under his armpit and the single bullet lodged near his heart. His Bodyman, Secret Service Agent Jerry Parr, immediately pushed Reagan into the waiting limo which immediately sped off. The driver initially headed for the White House, but Parr ordered it to go to George Washington University hospital instead after Reagan started coughing up blood. Reagan initially refused help to enter the emergency doors but he started to stumble and eventually collapsed just after getting inside the sliding doors of the emergency room.

The seriousness of his injuries was hidden from the public for some time. Only long after the event did it become widely known how close Reagan was to death. Had the limo continued on to the White House, it is probable that he would have died shortly after arriving there.

The would-be assasin, Hinkley claimed at trial that he was insane and that Jodie Foster wanted him to kill Reagan.

I didn’t vote for Ronald Reagan, I didn’t have the opportunity not turning 18 until 1985. He however is the biggest reason I’m a conservative today. I leave you with a video of a speech Reagan gave in Berlin just two short months after being shot. It epitomizes the man’s effortless cool and unflapability.