Mind numbed robots or Brothers

Thinking in such terms shouldn’t even be a thing

yet here we are

USSOCOM welcomes our new Chief of Diversity & Inclusion, Mr. Richard Torres-Estrada. We look forward to his contribution in enhancing the capabilities and effectiveness of #SOF through diversity of talent, helping us recruit the best of the best. #QuietProfessionals

Mr. Torres-Estrada would never be hired if the goal was to improve the military and our future as a country.

The man is a bigot and far-left Never Trumper. 

His previous actions should have disqualified him.

At one time the Roman Army had more gothes, visgothes

along with other sub categories of so-called barbarians then actual Romans

so diluted it wasn’t Roman

America isn’t Rome

Rome kept everything and everyone they conquered

If America was like Rome

there would be no Mexico or Canada along with many other places

the similarities between the two are everywhere in today’s society

all we asked was for a little bit of dirt to bury our dead

In a way, ya’ll! ( waves the hand)

remind me of Barbarians

How so Chance?

Don’t we just want to live our lives

without Imperial d.c.

dictating on how we should live our lives

there some words connected to

Isoroku Yamamoto

I’d betcha you a nickle

you know them by heart

The left is turning America into giant shithole

what’s a shithole sound like?

welcome to West Pokot County

we need a new category choice

if I may be so bold I suggest