Over 150 Arrested As Miami Goes Wild During Spring Break

More than 150 people were arrested over Spring Break weekend in Miami, as partygoers ignored the Mayor’s COVID warnings and descended on the town.

Over 120 of those arrested were nabbed on Friday alone, according to the Daily Mail, which noted that police seized guns, drugs and cash amid violent confrontations Friday evening which required the deployment of crowd control measures, including pepper balls.

On Saturday things quieted down with just 30 arrests made. In total, 42 people were charged with felonies over the weekend. Crack cocaine, crystal meth, marijuana and cash were all seized in the arrests, as well as guns, a balaclava and cartridges.

Two officers were injured and were transported to the hospital during the unrest.

The crowd ended up turning on those officers,” said Ernesto Rodriguez of the Miami Beach Police in a statement to Local10.

Matthew Wellington, public health campaigns director for the nonprofit U.S. Public Interest Research Group, told The Orlando Sentinel: “There’s definitely a concern that the spring breakers who are traveling to Florida might bring home more than just the souvenir shot glass this year.” (via the Daily Mail) “We know this virus thrives on people traveling,” he added.

That said;

And so, people are out living their lives:

We assume the media will promptly ignore any lack of COVID spike two weeks from now, unless there is one, in which case expect it to dominate the news cycle.
By: Tyler Durden – March 15, 2021 https://www.zerohedge.com/political/over-150-arrested-miami-goes-wild-during-spring-break