Pepe le Pew Gets Cancelled

I wish this was a joke, it isn’t. New York Slimes ‘columnist’ Charles Blow has announced that the amourous cartoon skunk perpetuates “rape culture”.

For those of you who were deprived of this wonderful cartoon as children, Pepe is a french speaking skunk who repeatedly mistakes a black cat, named Penelope, for a skunk and pursues her, despite repeated rejections. He is of the mistaken belief that he’s a suave, debonair ladies man. Check out this short sample below.

Seems pretty harmless to me. Pepe is not a hero, he’s a sad caricature. Even as a kid I understood that the behavior exhibited by Pepe was unacceptable, and that what he was doing was being held up for ridicule. Seems a lot of people think the commentary from Blow is just as sad as Pepe.

What Bridget said. . . .