That’s a oft-used tool at BLM protests, people demanding that passersby say the name of a person they believe has been the victim of an overly aggressive police officer. You MUST recognise this person as just that, a person. You may NOT ignore his or her life. I’m a quick study.

Here’s what I think I know about the shooter in Colorado . . .

Ahmad Al-Issa (or, Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa) – the 21-year-old man who murdered ten people at a Boulder, CO grocery store yesterday – had a history of violence. Classmates have told the press that Al-Issa was unpredictable and easily set off. In 2018, the then 17-year-old high school senior crossed a classroom to sucker-punch one of his classmates for no obvious reason; repeatedly punching the fallen teen in the head after knocking him to the ground. Al-Issa said the boy had taunted him with racial slurs.  He was convicted of assault and sentenced with relatively light punitive actions, including community service. Records show the only other incident in his legal past occurred in 2017 – traffic infractions and violating driver’s license restrictions.

The FBI has said they were aware of Ahmad Al-Issa prior to yesterday’s nightmare of terror as he has ties to another person the agency is investigating. While we do not know if this gun was used in the murders at King Soopers, Al-Issa legally purchased a Ruger .556 pistol about a week ago, March 16. He passed the screenings; mandated and salesperson.

Al-Issa’s brother said Ahmad Al-Issa had spent the majority of his life here in the States after the family relocated to the USA from Syria.  The brother said Al-Issa is a “anti-social paranoiac” with anger issues and poor impulse control. Al-Issa’s social media postings reveal he was not a fan of Donald Trump or of Trump Era policies.


Here’s what I think . . .

There has been a heavy focus on this shooter’s mental health and motivation relative to other mass shooter cases.  At this point in the timeline, media and politicians are generally slavering about gun control and fixating on race-based victimhood should the shooter be white and any of the victims not white.  Why, some extremists are still attempting to file race-based hate crime charges against the INSANE murderer in Georgia who killed massage parlor workers a week ago – he’s white, six of his victims were Asian.  Though the shooter has said he did it because he’s a sex addict and couldn’t handle the “teasing,” some authorities, lawyers and elected officials are still insisting his criminal rampage must have been race-based.

In Boulder, CO, the site of a horrible instance of senseless, lawless, violence and death, the focus has not been on race, at all.  And, race was probably actually a driving motivator.  All ten of Ahmad Al-Issa’s victims were white. 

Please meet them, they will not get riots and protests and special laws passed in their names. They’re just white people who were cold bloodedly murdered by an anti-American, anti-conservative, anti-Trump, hater. A demented man who does not fit the popular Gun Grab narrative because he is not a white conservative of Christian upbringing, he’s a brown Muslim. As a result, attentions will be redirected and his victims will not get the recognition and justice they deserve.

Before any accusations of islamophobia bang into a center of subconscious programming, an immigrant from a nation and culture rife with people who despise the Western culture, the USA in particular, stands a damned good likelihood of coming from a family of religious zealots. Muslims hailing from Syria have lived a radical, extremist Islamic lifestyle.  It is past time to start sharing truths we’ve been told are socially unacceptable hallmarks of innate bigotries while being spoon fed utter rubbish.

Sticking true to the preferred mass shooting patterned response, Biden & Co are saying we ought fling open our borders and also take away the rights of US of Americans to own a gun if we wish to enjoy a safe, peaceful nation.  Absurd is not a strong enough word.  Not only is gun control an unacceptable, unConstitutional infringement upon our rights as Americans, all thinking, reasonable, rational people know that seizing weapons from innocent people is not going to solve the problem of lawlessness plaguing this nation. Lawlessness that includes gun-related criminal activity.

Further, if the government will not protect the people, the people must be able to protect themselves.  We must diligently shift focus to the real problems and not allow ourselves to be manipulated into a place of utter helplessness.  If we do, that means the terrorists have won. Let’s not allow others to ignore these ten victims of hate-based, lawless violence. Say their names! They shall not go unforgotten or unacknowledged . . . they are martyrs, we honor them when we achieve Justice.


Denny Stong, 20
Denny Strong-20
King Soopers employee since 2018
Rikki Olds, 25
Rikki Olds-25
King Soopers employee, student at Front Range Community College
Tralona Bartkowiak, 49
Tralona Bartkowiak-49
Boutique Manger, recently engaged
Suzanne Fountain, 59
Suzanne Fountain-59
Financial Counselor
Teri Leiker, 51
Teri Leiker-51
Worked at that store for 30 years; co-worker/boyfriend survived the shooting
Eric Talley
Eric Talley-51
Served Boulder as police officer since 2010; father of seven

Kevin Mahoney with his daughter
Kevin Mahoney-61
Beloved by family; died w/photo of walking his daughter down the aisle in his pocket
Lynn Murray ...
Lynn Murray-62
Retired NYC fashion photographer; moved to CO to raise her two girls
Jody Waters
Jody Waters-65
Mother, grandmother, dog and outdoors lover
Neven Stanisic, 23
Neven Stanisic-23
Family fled Bosnia for a better life in the USA circa 2000


Source of murder victim pics and brief bio data: All 10 Boulder Colorado Victims Were White. It’s Time To End Anti-White Race Hate.