Shocking….Simply Shocking

One of the most devout leftist is, actually, criticizing the progressives latest cancel culture

This is part of today’s news letter from Nicholas Kristof. 

Dr. Seuss and America’s Children
The furor over Dr. Seuss books is another example of the left shooting itself in the foot. The publisher decided to stop printing six of books, prompting denunciations of “cancel culture” and wall-to-wall coverage on Fox News. Instead of letting the matter lie, some liberals rushed to line up against Dr. Seuss, giving the issue more reach. Republicans have exultantly offered free copies of “Cat in the Hat” to donors, and the controversy resulted in huge sales for the books (which previously were not selling well, with 5,000 copies for “And to Think that I Saw it on Mulberry Street” last year and fewer for the other delisted titles). At one point a few days ago, 42 of the top 50 books on Amazon were by Dr. Seuss, including nine of the top ten. So instead of reducing the spread of images that they found offensive, liberals gave them a lift.

Currently, there are a multitude of Dr. Seuss memes/gifs and cartoons to be seen. If you have any, bring them on. Now is your chance.