Sunday Musings

It looks as if Spring has sprung in this editor’s locale. Hopefully we don’t get a snowstorm anytime soon. Next January would be fine by me, but historically here, a late March/early April snow maker isn’t unheard of.

Unfortunately, Spring brings back the Shit Demons. And like clockwork, once most of the snow is gone, the unwelcome invaders are back. For those of you who don’t know, I’m talking about Canada geese.

Branta canadensis

For now, they’re only shitting all over the place, but in a few short weeks they will get hyper-aggressive. They will attack anything they percieve as a threat to their eggs and goslings. This editor has a deep dislike of the Shit Demons, except their eggs, which are delicious.

Spring, April 1 to be exact, brings the opening of trout season to my home state. Your editor is an avid multi-species angler, however trout fishing tops the list. There are a variety of creeks, streams, rivers, ponds and lakes here in upstate NY that feature excellent trout fishing. Some are stocked, some host native populations of brookies and naturally reproducing browns and rainbows. Lake Ontario hosts some very good Lake trout fishing in addition to Steelhead and big browns. Early in the season all three can be caught from shore. Look for future articles detailing this editor’s fishing adventures.

Now on to some more important matters.

The current occupant of the Executive mansion in Albany is in big heap trouble. The list of accusers against Andrew Cuomo keeps growing. It stands at eight right now, but this editor expects that number to increase as Cuomo’s political power declines. It gets worse for the Luv Gov. The FBI has an active criminal investigation into the nursing home fiasco. Specifically, they’re looking into the way the numbers of nursing home deaths were (under)reported. Cuomo is probably looking at an indictment based on what this editor knows about the way state government has been run under this clown. One of his closest advisors took the fall for him over some real estate shenanigans a few years ago. This time around, he doesn’t have the political power to get something like that done.

Luke Letlow of Louisiana was elected to the House of Representatives in a run-off election on December 5. By the end of December he had died from WuFlu complications. His wife, Julia, has just been elected to fill the seat he would have held. She’s the first woman elected to the House from Louisiana. “This is an incredible moment and it is truly hard to put into words,” Letlow said in a statement Saturday night. “What was born out of the terrible tragedy of losing my husband, Luke, has become my mission in his honor to carry the torch and serve the good people of Louisiana’s 5th District.” Her victory makes her the 31st Republican woman in the House.

It seems Donald Trump is planning a return to social media. After being blacklisted by all of the big platforms, Trump plans on starting his own social media company. No news on when, or what it will be called.

Juan Jimenez-Salas, a previously deported illegal, was shot and killed by police who were attempting to arrest him. His crime? He raped his girlfriend’s 6 and 8 year old daughters. Allegedly. Oddly enough, he had been deported for a similar crime. Good riddance to bad rubbish. And thanks to the officer who ended that scumbag. He saved us all the expense of a trial and confinement.