The Iron Mask

A real President would be standing up tall speaking good things

how the Bill of Rights came into being and why they were/are important

We all can thank Patrick Henry for the Bill of Rights

the look of the hell you say

No bill of rights no Constitution
thanks Patrick

if one don’t excersize Rights

then they don’t need Rights

for they are SLAVES

not Free Men & Women

A young Theodore Roosevelt, back when being into fringey gun stuff meant something entirely different, 1885.

The buckshot stops here. President Harry S. Truman sights a shotgun, 1948.

Then-Senator Truman shows off a pair of pistols once owned by Jesse James to Vice President John Nance Garner, 1938. (According to the Library of Congress, “Senator Truman secured the guns in Southern Missouri from a doctor’s wife, whose husband received them in payment of medical services rendered Frank James, another of the James’ boys.”)

General Dwight D. Eisenhower squeezes off some rounds with wartime colleagues Prime Minister Winston Churchill and General Omar Bradley, 1945. As president, Eisenhower installed a skeet shooting range at Camp David.

June 1, 1945 – London, England, U.K. – SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL (1874-1965) was a British politician and statesman who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. PICTURED: Churchill, President DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER and GENERAL OMAR BRADLEY fire the army’s new cabinet. Out of 45 shots aiming at targets 200 yards away they hit 29 targets. (Credit Image: © KEYSTONE Pictures USA)

President John F. Kennedy shoots skeet at Camp David, 1963. Watching him on the right are David Niven, Ben Bradlee, and Hjördis Paulina Tersmeden

President John F. Kennedy inspects an M15 rifle (and a crossbow) in the Oval Office, 1961

President Gerald R. Ford receives a musket as a gift during a trip to Texas, 1976.

mer President Ronald Reagan accepts a Colt Sporter AR15 from the American Shooting Sports Council at his ranch in California, 1992. “This much was obvious—Ronald Reagan loves shooting and loves people,” ACCS’s executive director wrote (PDF) about the day. “The anti-gunners may have thought they co-opted our pro-gun former president for their exclusive use. No way! He believes in our industry,”

he believes in our products, and he shares our views about individual responsibility, accountability and personal freedom.

I’ve never had a rapid fire malfunction

that’s an old Taurus

what liberals fear

spot for me and I’ll buy the beer

smiles quiet like LOLOLOL

House Bill 127

This little hot potato is designed to impact more than 150 million households in the Fifty States. In some very strange ways. It is designed to make as many gunowners as possible into felons. But WE would be the stupid ones if we just ignore it. It would (if it did pass) be impossible to enforce,

that would not stop them from trying to do so.

call it mission creep