the Seals

Looking around America seeing all the violence, immorality, dis-order an outright lies

day in & day out

trying to stay informed is far better then being a democrat DOLT

knowing comes with a price

Satanists Sue for Right to Ritual Child Sacrifice

there’s a picture I won’t post

to be found here

Satanists Sue for Right to Ritual Child Sacrifice

Let’s look at America from another angle


Disease travels in tandem with fear. While the first can lead to the death of thousands, the second can unravel the social fabric, disrupting the precarious balance of relationships essential for the stability of nations.

The most recent disease fear was covid-19 (coronavirus disease 2019), which killed hundreds of thousands and panicked millions more

A Symbol of War

When the second seal breaks

a red horse with a sword-wielding rider will appear. His mission will be to take peace from the entire Earth.  

Revelation 6:4 says: “Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword.” It is believed that the second horseman refers to the terrible warfare that will break out


the Black horse

he is the only one whose appearance is accompanied by a voice that speaks about the prices of wheat and barley. He also says “and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.” This statement might foreshadow a time when a minimum sustenance diet will cost an entire day’s pay.

The only horseman with a name


He is the only horseman who does not carry a weapon or object when he appears.

he is followed by Hades—the resting place of the dead. Hades will follow the fourth horseman wherever he goes as he is on his quest to claim lives. 

As the horseman stampedes across America & the world

he will have the authority to claim a fourth of the world’s population.

the demomcrats promise many things

what do they always deliver without fail?


the red horse

the Black horse


as we all know

I’m the worst Christian

for I will NOT turn the other cheek


is not a Christian value

Nicolas cage is nuts

my sis watching this film as I walked in

what ya watching sis?

\something that reminds me of you

I’ll be in the kitchen cleaning the morels