The View From Here

The View makes one of its (recently) unfrequent stops today. Today’s featured image is of Limekiln lake. The lake is located near Inlet NY, in the Adirondack park.

There is some news out of the District that is pissing me off today. You’ve all heard about the substandard food the National Guard has been putting up with while deployed to the Nation’s Capital. What you may not know is that the commander of the National Guard Bureau, General Daniel Hokanson wrote a memo stating continued deployment to DC would cause undue strain on the NG. The memo reads in part:

“Efforts to date have not secured enough volunteers among supporting states to meet the USCP request of 2,280 Soldiers, no Option B of 1000 soldiers.

Over the past 12 months, States have experienced unprecedented demand for National Guard utilization related to COVID-19, Civil Disturbance, wildfire, hurricane and flood response, all while meeting every combatant comment deployment requirement. In addition, the states are currently increasing their internal requirements to support COVID-19 vaccination efforts and posturing for seasonal natural disasters as well as training for future deployments. This significantly increased operational temp directly impacts our ability to continue to man the mission with volunteers. To date, only 500 have volunteered to extend through the draft RFA end date despite our best efforts to marshal more volunteers.

Additionally, faced with pressing needs within their states, numerous Adjutants General and Governors have expressed their unwillingness to order the involuntary mobilization of NG personnel to man the mission, Moreover, I am concerned that the continued indefinite nature of this requirement may also impeded our ability to man future missions as both Adjutants General and Guardsmen alike may be skeptical about committing to similar endeavors. Pursuit of other inter-agency law enforcement options seems highly preferable to requesting involuntary mobilizations under the current circumstances

Needless to say, the partisan hack who is in charge over at that outfit over there, I want to keep calling him General disregarded the memo and ordered a continuation of the troop presence.

While we’re on the subject of Joe’s decline, I feel compelled to point out a few things. First, Biden has been president for 57 days, and still no press conference. That’s the longest period of time a president has taken to hold a presser in 100 years. His shill, Jen Psaki keeps banging on about him having 40 Q&A sessions since he was inagurated, but even the MSM isn’t buying that crap anymore. Even when he does have a “press availability” his handlers hustle the press corps out of the room before Joe has a chance to answer. You can hear them shouting over the press in the clip below.

The idiots in charge in California are at it again. This time its the LA city council. The brain trust there have mandated an additional $5 an hour hero pay for grocery store workers. The results were as expected. Kroger announced they were closing 3 stores in LA. Seems the city of Long Beach enacted a similar statute with similar results. Go figure. . .

There is some news out of my home state regarding Andy Cuomo. First, a 6th accuser has come forward. However, unlike the previous 5, this one claims “the Luv Gov” sexually assaulted her. The Albany county sheriff’s office is reportedly investigating the claims. There’s more, Carl Heastie, NY Assembly Speaker, announced the state assembly was meeting tonight to discuss “paths forward” regarding Il Duce. Impeachment is a distinct possibility at this point.

More Governor news, this time out of California. The effort to oust Gavin Nuisance just hit a major milestone. The recall petiton has garnered some 2 million signatures.

The U.S. Marshals Service and Homeland Security Investigations teamed up with four police departments in Texas for “Operation Missing in the Metroplex” to crack down on human trafficking. The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Texas announced that 31 missing children from the Dallas-Fort Worth area were recovered during the monthlong operation. The missing kids were found and recovered with the assistance of the Arlington Police Department, the Dallas Police Department, the Fort Worth Police Department, and the Grand Prairie Police Department. The operation was the latest in a string of missing children recovery efforts spearheaded by the Marshalls Service.