WATCH: The Great Reset of America’s Story: How 1619 Project’s Lies ERASE Our History
The canceling, the erasing, and digital book burning are proof we’re in the middle of a very dangerous time.
On the Wednesday night special this week, Glenn Beck exposes the communist roots of today’s cancel culture and pushes back on the Left’s lies that America was built on slavery. After President Trump introduced the 1776 Commission as a rebuttal to the anti-American 1619 Project, the Biden administration and the Left wasted no time trashing the report, calling it profane, racist, unhinged, and a “right-wing manifesto.”
Go behind the scenes with Glenn as he opens his history vault to reveal artifacts that tell the TRUTH of our nation’s founding and empowers Americans to stand against a mob determined to divide and destroy us.
Watch the full episode below:

Books that defined the USA, that were meaningful to the Founding Fathers
1) Baron de Montesquieu‘s The Spirit of the Laws (1750) was one of the most important political works of the Enlightenment. It analyzed the various forms of government and estimated their strengths and weaknesses. Montesquieu provided inspiration for the American Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
2) The Commentaries on the Laws of England are an influential 18th-century treatise on the common law of England by Sir William Blackstone, originally published by the Claredon Press at Oxford, 1765–1770. The work is divided into four volumes, on the rights of persons, the rights of things, of private wrongs and of public wrongs.
3) John Locke’s Two Treatises of Government established the author as the intellectual father of the modern constitutional state. The political theories set forth are the foundation for later political philosophers, including Jean-Jacques Rousseau, whose Du contrat social: Ou, Principes du droit politique (1762; The Social Contract,1764) influenced the beginning of the French Revolution in 1789. Before Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence in 1776, he read and absorbed Locke’s Two Treatises of Government.
4) The Bible

Second Interview with David and Tim Barton on Eric Metaxas Radio Show
Watch Here:

Comment: Those that seek to destroy the USA; wish to do so through violence or civil war. Peace shall be achieved not only through strength, in the ability to defend this great nation; but through the power of knowledge and it’s true history.
AS it has always been.